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In a society where beauty is judged by appearance, people are more careful in what they are eating and drinking.

Safety Issues with Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta

By flintoff at 2014-07-18 05:15:24
Menopause in women and andropausein men are natural processes of the body that normal individuals experience once they hit the age of 60. These phases signal the lack of hormonal production and entail a wide variety of conditions that can make the individual suffer for months or years to come. Women often experience dizzy spells, vaginal dryness and hot flashes when their hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are not supplied in normal amounts. Common andropause problems for men include depression and low sex drive. In the past, men and women were provided with conventional hormone replacement to ease the transition process and reduce the severity of the symptoms. However, studies show that such conventional therapies are bad for the body.

Conventional hormones were discovered in 2002 and they are made up of synthetic hormones or from a pregnant horse’s urine. However, since these hormones are not compatible with the body, a new research was conducted for the benefit of men and women alike. The availability of Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta changed the scene and provided hope for the aging community.Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta are much preferred because they mimic the metabolism of natural hormones. This means that they can be injected into the bloodstream and provide relief without any substantial risks.

The medical community concluded early on that Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta provide more benefits and lesser risks. The hormones were successful in reducing the severity of menopausal symptoms, such as irritability, mood swings, water retention low sex drive and vaginal dryness.In fact, French researchers have discovered that this type of hormone can also lessen the risk of breast cancer and dementia. This is a great discovery because the bioidentical hormones can also be used to improve women’s health, not just easing the hormonal phase.

Since bioidentical hormones are still new, studies are continually being run to determine if they are completely safe to use. The lack of research is considered as a warning to women who are planning to get a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or BHRT. Some doctors are convinced that BHRT is the best alternative, while others refuse to give credit to bioidentical hormones unless they are proven to be 100% safe and effective. There are also side effects to think about. Physicians observed that during the initial stage of administering BHRT, males complain about acne, irritability and aggressiveness while women experience cramping, breast tenderness, spotting and bloating. Some BHRT injections also trigger itchiness and redness of the injection site.

For more information please: Read Here
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