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The Benefits of Getting HRT

By flintoff at 2014-06-27 07:33:31
Hormone Replacement Therapy is a popular treatment that reduces the severity of vasomotor symptoms. Also referred as HRT, the said treatment is helpful among women experiencing menopause. Menopause is described as a transition period when hormones dwindle because the body’s organs already stop producing them. The change in one’s body leads to complications as it tries to adjust during the transition. Vasomotor symptoms may start at the age of 51, the natural age for menopause. The duration of the symptoms can range from a year up to 12 years.

Administering HRT Atlanta may be a good move to reduce a woman’s suffering with regards to menopause-related symptoms. It is best applied when the woman reaches the age of 51 in order to trigger early bone preservation and smoothen out the incoming transition. Once the therapy is in place, the woman would not worry about long-term health risks, such as osteoporosis, stroke and cardiovascular diseases among others. There are other benefits of HRT Atlanta when the treatment has already reached 5 years or so.

One of the clear benefits in getting HRT is the improvement of one’s quality of life. Menopause may complicate one’s daily routine, resulting in lack of energy, insufficient sleep and the like. With HRT, a woman may experience improvement in their moods, sleep and pain. Depressive symptoms are also reduced. The vasomotor symptoms can be reduced or prevented with HRT because it is the most effective of all treatments. The maximum benefit for vasomotor symptoms can be experienced after three months, but the positive difference can already be expected as early as four weeks. Another benefit is the improvement of urogenital symptoms. Vaginal dryness, recurrent bladder infections, stress incontinence, and discomfort during sex are just a few of the many urogenital symptoms experienced by the ladies. HRT has been proven to enhance sexual function, and reduce vaginal dryness and other symptoms which are linked to vaginal atrophy. The substance, topical estrogen, is used for the improvement of urinary issues among me
nopausal women.

There are other benefits connected to HRT. Osteoporosis is also a complication experienced by older women. However, administering HRT can improve bone mineral density and preserve major bone areas, such as the hip and the spine. HRT can also help reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Studies show that getting HRT for 10 years could result to a 50% reduction rate of developing a coronary heart disease among senior citizens. In addition, HRT also affects the risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and tissue loss.

For more information please: Read Here
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