Obesity is undeniably a major issue in the United States, as well as other countries. How many times have you seen obese kids eating like there is no tomorrow? Do you know anyone in the office who is having trouble taking the stairs because of the lack of exercise and additional weight? These are all victims of obesity, and it is never a good thing to ignore such problems. By definition, obesity is a condition which is characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat. Obesity can be considered as a medical epidemic because it is naturally occurring, but people disregard its adverse effects on health. In fact, 73% of Americans are considered obese or overweight, as shown by the data recorded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Obesity is not just a problem of the physical body. When people do not exert effort in reducing the body fat, they become vulnerable to a list of medical conditions, including Type 2 Diabetes, gynecological problems (infertility, erectile dysfunction), coronary heart diseases, liver and gallbladder diseases, cancer (colon, endometrial, breast), sleep apnea, hypertension, Osteoarthritis and stroke among others. A healthy diet and proper exercise are needed to gain back an agile body; however, not all people have the time to achieve all these. They should also improve their lifestyle and quit bad habits, such as excessive drinking and smoking. Weight maintenance should be strictly adhered to for health reasons.
Medical Weight Loss Atlanta is the new craze among obese people. In order to get the best program, the patient should approach a medical professional to evaluate his condition and get the proper treatment for obesity. It should also be noted that a Quick Weight Loss Atlanta program involves a series of medication to treat obesity as well as its negative effects on health. Never skip the advice of the doctor so the existing medical problems will be addressed immediately. Weight physicians who handle Medical Weight Loss Atlanta programs are properly equipped to evaluate the patient’s condition through a series of tests, such as weight and body fat analysis, Electrocardiogram test (EKG), blood panel and waist circumference among others. Medical monitoring is also a crucial part of the Medical Weight Loss Atlanta. While taking medications, the patient may experience fluctuating respiratory rates and blood pressure. Weekly visits to the physician are recommended for medication adjustments. The patient should also support this endeavor for his own benefit by increasing exercise and improving his diet.
For more information please visit: Lipo Atlanta |