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In a society where beauty is judged by appearance, people are more careful in what they are eating and drinking.

Revive Your Body with Bioidentical Hormones

By flintoff at 2014-05-07 07:46:20

An individual may experience changes in their body at any age. As the body enters maturity, the nutritional requirements and hormone production may vary, depending on certain factors like lifestyle and health. The individual may be introduced to different stressors that can influence the state of emotions, physical health and mental well-being. With the pollution present, the hormonal system might have a hard time coping with the demands of the body. Hormonal imbalance can occur to anybody, especially males. There are certain risks in having low levels of hormones, such as the development of heart diseases. Hormonal imbalance can also lead to abnormal sleeping patterns and lack of energy.

Facts about Hormonal Imbalance

Among females, hormonal imbalance can occur during the menopausal period. Symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, loss of libido, dry skin, memory loss, mood swings and vaginal dryness are just some of the signs that the estrogen or progesterone level are dropping. Males could have the risk of erectile dysfunction, blood pressure changes, weight gain and loss of immune system functions. The male and female hormones are needed for a healthy well-being. Each hormone has a part to play, which means the lack of once can affect the other. In order to maintain the body’s health, doctors advise patients to avail of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Atlanta.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Physicians may prescribe Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Atlanta or BHRT, which is a medical approach that focuses on supplying hormones to the body in order to achieve balance in the hormonal system. Unlike the Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT, the BHRT uses Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta that are derived from natural compounds that are similar to the ones that are produced by the body. These natural compounds may be derived from natural materials, such as wild yams, soybeans and other plant-based sources. These compounds are chemically processed in order to mimic the framework of the natural hormones, including androgen, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

The treatment plans that include Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta may vary regarding factors, such as weight management, chances in lifestyle, nutrition requirement, stress management and physical activity. It is necessary to make the adjustments in order to facilitate the repair and natural healing of the body in a short span of time. Each individual may require a unique dosage before the Bioidentical Hormones Atlanta would take effect. Doctors would be with the individual in every step of the way to minimize side effects.
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