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Reasons to Get Hormone Replacement Therapy for Females

By flintoff at 2014-05-06 00:28:16

Menopause is a signal that the levels of estrogen and progesterone are beginning to drop. During teenage years, women experience menstruation, which indicates a woman’s fertility. Fertility is managed by the female hormones. As long as the body produces them, the cycle of ovulation occurs. However, the end of menstruation signals the dropping levels of female hormones. The process is called menopause, and it is a hard experience for every woman in their 60s.

Symptoms of Menopause

Aside from the ovulation, the hormones estrogen and progesterone present many advantages to the body, including the regular vaginal moisture, good bone density and normal regulation of skin temperature. When menopause approaches, the body will be subjected to symptoms like urinary problems, sleep issues, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, moodiness, memory difficulties, hot flashes, night sweats, fat accumulation (especially in the abdomen), thinning hair and even irregular periods. The symptoms may stay for 2 to 5 years, which can vary in the every female.

Females experiencing menopause may share that the experience is not a pleasant one. The severity of the symptoms may vary, but they are sure to disrupt the daily routine with occasional aches and pains. During menopause, the females are also vulnerable to diseases such as the osteoporosis and cervical cancer. In order to protect the body during its vulnerable state, many have found relief in Hormone Replacement Therapy Atlanta.

Hormone Replacement Atlanta or HRT Atlanta is a process of increasing the hormones in the body by injecting hormonal inhibitors that are clinically tested to improve hormone estrogen and progesterone production. By getting HRT Atlanta from a professional doctor, females can relieve themselves from the pain during the menopausal period. Hot flashes and night sweats could be lessened significantly. Furthermore, mental performance might be improved after the treatment. HRT Atlanta will provide a safe and stress-free experience among menopausal women. They can also enjoy several benefits, such as the reduced chances of heart attack risks and heart failures, protection against brain aneurysms and improvement in muscle functions, among others.

HRT for Males

Men can also avail of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy if they show signs of low testosterone levels. Low levels of testosterone might lead to complications such as erectile dysfunction and a decrease in libido, which results in low energy during sexual activities. By getting Testosterone Replacement Therapy, the males could enjoy the sexual vigor they had in their youth. Furthermore, they can increase their male vitality even as they age.

For more information please visit: Testosterone Replacement Atlanta

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